Best Foods For Better Sleep


A good night’s sleep is essential to recharge your brain. It also can boost your immune system and reduce stress. We all have to maintain regular sound sleep to lower health risks like heart disease and diabetes. But in the modern world, many of us do not follow the recommended seven hours of sleep by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In this situation, we all have to be concerned about sound and better sleep.

A registered dietitian Rachel Brief said, “Pairing the right types of foods in the evening can promote and improve the way you sleep. In general, you want to look for foods that have protein, fiber, and some healthy fat for adequate blood sugar management before bed.”

Rachel also said, “Eating and then immediately laying down can actually interfere with getting a good night’s sleep and may trigger digestive issues such as acid reflux.” Check out the list of the five best foods to help you sleep.


If you are looking for the perfect bedtime snack, consider almonds. It contains protein, fat, and fiber that stabilizes your blood sugar. Almonds are also a good source of tryptophan and magnesium. These ingredients can play an important role in lowering the stress hormone cortisol. Dietitian Brief said, “Low cortisol levels help you drift off to sleep. But in the morning, they start to surge to wake you up. Like melatonin, cortisol also helps to regulate your circadian rhythm.”


These fruits are very good for promoting sleep. Because cherries contain melatonin that can improve your sleep pattern. You can take these either fresh or have them as juice. Briefly explained, “Melatonin helps the body maintain a regular sleeping cycle so that it knows when it’s time for bed and when it’s time to wake up.”


Eggs are a good source of melatonin and tryptophan. These blood-sugar-balancing proteins are very suitable for a healthy snooze. If your health care provider recommends you should take at least one egg every day.