Fitness Advice For Over 60


We tend to slow down and become more sedentary as we age for a variety of reasons. It could be brought on by health issues, troubles with weight or pain, or concerns about falling. Or perhaps you believe that working out is simply not for you. But as you age, leading an active lifestyle is more crucial to your health than ever.


Credit: sonashomehealth


Pay attention to your body composition

Even while your body weight is a reliable measure of your health, it’s also crucial to consider your body composition, which is the ratio of your body’s fat and lean mass. A key indicator of general health, particularly in older persons, is muscle mass. Your objective should be to gain more muscle and reduce your body fat.


Credit: seniorlifestyle


Stay vigorous

As you age, your muscular mass declines. Strength training can offset that. For the resistance in exercises like yoga, you can use weight machines at the gym, lesser weights you hold in your hands or your body weight. To burn more calories, it’s important to maintain your muscular mass.


Credit: greentreewestwood


Mental health development

While it is more important than ever for older people to unwind, this does not mean that all physical activity must end. Exercises for fitness have positive effects on both physical and mental health.