Top 5 Plyometric Exercises Tips That You Can Do At Home


Plyometric exercises, also known as Plyos, are bodyweight exercises that include an explosive movement, such as a jump. Plyometric workouts are explosive, which help build muscle and raise your heart rate for an effective cardio workout. Plyometric training is popular among athletes who want to improve their athletic performance by developing more explosive power and speed.

Consider some of the best plyometric exercises to include in your next home training session.


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Skater jumps

To perform the skater-jump exercise stand with your feet hip-width apart. Extend your right foot and jump to the side to perform a lateral jump movement. Swing your right arm in front of you. At the same time spread your left arm behind like a speed skater. Land softly on your right foot, then repeat with the opposite leg, jumping side to side for the desired number of repetitions.

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From a standing position, squat by bending your legs. Jump your feet back into a plank position while putting your hands down on the floor and maintaining a straight spine. For one push-up, lower your chest to the ground. To enter a squat, advance your feet to the outside of your hands. Leap up quickly and raise your arms in the air.

Bunny hop

While keeping your abs tight, place your hands behind your head with your fingers interlocked. Jump forward while squatting low and lowering yourself to the ground. As you jump forward once more, continue to be squatted.

Box jumps

This plyometric exercise targets the muscles in your lower body, such as your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. To perform a box jump, jump vertically up to a box or other elevated surface. This jump training exercise, when done correctly, can supplement your strength training routine with cardio.

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Heel click

Start in a plié squat position with knees bent and heels just wider than the shoulders. Jump up to bring your legs together in a straight line, and lightly click your heels. As soon as you touch down, start the subsequent jump. Concentrate on using your glutes to propel you upward and steer you downward.