How To Cook Oil-Free Food


Oil is good for health. But overconsumption can lead to many cardiovascular diseases and complications. By following some methods, it is easy to cook oil-free food and make it taste the same.

Credit: thewellfedyogi

Sautéing and stir-frying

This is the most common way to cook food without using oil. The only thing you need to make it work is a non-stick frying pan. The trick is to use a small amount of water or broth to frying the food. They will soften the food and brown it in the heat.


Baking is one of the oldest tricks to cook food. This can also be used to prepare food and not use oil to cook it. Simply mix the ingredients according to the recipe. Using fruit puree as an alternative to oil in the ingredient works much better. It gives a different flavor.

Credit: cleaneatingkitchen


There’s no need to coat your vegetables or other foods with oil before roasting them in the oven. It is very easy to roast your food in the oven without oil, it might take some time in low heat. But it will accomplish the job. Different methods of roasting techniques are useful to make food without oil.

Credit: brandnewvegan

Air Fry

Air fry is a new technique to cook food and uses no oil. This method allows you to free your food in a confined area by using heated air. Without oil, this will cook your food and make it even better.