Traveling On Different Modes During COVID-19 Pandemic


Many people are traveling on different modes which may cause varying degrees of risk during the pandemic. Here we are trying to help you to select the best modes of transportations so that you can navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.


Your COVID-19 risk may vary on some depending factor-like vaccination status of your and your family members, any immunocompromising conditions of your household members. Assistant professor of infectious diseases at UCLA Health, Dr. Kavitha Prabaker said about the risks, “In general, the fewer people you are exposed to during travel, the lower your risk of COVID-19 infection will be. Travel by plane, train, or bus during busy times, including the upcoming holiday season, may expose you to others who may be sick or unknowingly infected with COVID-19.”


She also explained, “The risk of acquiring COVID-19 from an infected individual on the other side of the airplane, bus, or train is low, as long as there is adequate ventilation — high-efficiency particulate air, or HEPA, filters or open windows.”

The risk and safety procedures may vary in different locations. The senior editor of “Lonely Planet” said about traveling during this pandemic situation. She said, “Traveling alone or with household members by car is the safest option. The risk of traveling by airplane, train, or bus is likely similar, and this risk increases with the number of people sitting within 6 feet of you. You should also consider the COVID-19 prevalence in your destination when planning a trip.”

Butler also added, “Most countries require people to wear face masks, regardless of their vaccination status, on public transport. Cloth masks are generally accepted on trains, buses, and ferries. However, some airlines have strict mask policies, where cloth masks are banned and passengers are required to use single-use medical masks on their flight.”


Holiday travel during this pandemic situation has some sort of risk indeed. So, it is wise to choose the correct mode of transportation for your next trips during this holiday season.