A New Study Reveals That Overeating Is Not The Primary Cause of Obesity


Recent research makes a bold claim that overeating isn’t the main cause of obesity. This carbohydrate-insulin research model said that the current situation of the obesity epidemic is characterized by excessive consumption of processed, rapidly digestible carbohydrate-rich foods. The research also stated that these types of foods are responsible for fundamentally change in our metabolism, weight gain, and obesity.

Credit: timesofindia.com

The research findings are published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that points to fundamental flaws in the energy balance model. The lead author Dr. David Ludwig said, “During a growth spurt, for instance, adolescents may increase food intake by 1,000 calories a day. But does their overeating cause the growth spurt or does the growth spurt cause the adolescent to get hungry and overeat?”

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Ludwig also mentioned, “reducing consumption of the rapidly digestible carbohydrates that flooded the food supply during the low-fat diet era lessens the underlying drive to store body fat. As a result, people may lose weight with less hunger and struggle.”

Credit: economictimes.com

When we consume highly processed carbohydrates, it signals fat cells to store more calories. As a result, we remain hungry and continue to gain excess fat. So, to understand the obesity epidemic, we have to consider the foods we eat affect our hormones and metabolism.