Demi Lovato’s Realization About Relationship With Max Ehrich


Recently Demi Lovato explained her past relationship with her ex-Max Ehrich. She says that that relationship was “holding me back”. She also revealed that the split between them was the “best thing that’s happened”. Demi Lovato realized that the relationship was creating obstacles in some ways from being their true self. The singer also says that now she can stand on “my own two feet”.


Demi and Max ended their relationship in September 2020. In the 19th Represents Summit Demi spoke with Kate Sosin. She talked about their journey of self-exploration. The 29-year-old artist said, “had everything to do with it,” because at the start of the global lockdown in March 2020, they were “starting to identify as non-binary.”


She continued, “Then I met someone and I got into this straight relationship, and that was great, but that led me to ignore all the parts of myself that I didn’t think were digestible for my partner at the time, who ended up becoming my fiancé.”


Then Demi said, “There might be a time where I identify as trans,” the singer noted. “I don’t know what this looks like for me. There might be a time where I identify as non-binary and gender nonconforming my entire life. Or maybe there’s a period of time when I get older that I identify as a woman.”


She concluded, Ultimately, they said they don’t know what the future holds but “in this moment right now, this is how I identify,” adding, “And I have a feeling that it’s not going to ever go back to one way or the other… It’s about keeping it open and free, and I’m a very fluid person.”