Wentworth Miller Shared His Autism Diagnosis


“Prison Break” star Wentworth Miller shared his autism diagnosis in an Instagram post. The 49-year-old actor noted that he received an informal autism diagnosis last fall.

Credit: 9jatalkative.com

Actor Wentworth Miller wrote on Instagram, “Oh – this isn’t something I’d change. No. I get – got – immediately being autistic is central to who I am. To everything I’ve achieved/articulated.”

Miller now is a member of the autism community. He stated, “I’m a middle-aged man. Not a 5-year-old,” he wrote. “And (it’s a ‘both/and’) I recognize access to a diagnosis is a privilege many do not enjoy.”

Credit: ruetir.com

Then Miller added, “There is a now-familiar cultural narrative (in which I’ve participated) that goes, ‘Public figure shares A, B and C publicly, dedicates platform to D, E and F. Good for them. /srs. And (it’s a ‘both/and’) that’s not necessarily what’s going to happen here.”

Credit: newsweek.com

He also explained, “Right now my work looks like evolving my understanding,” Miller stated. “Re-examining 5 decades of lived experience thru a new lens. That will take time. Meanwhile, I don’t want to run the risk of suddenly being a loud, ill-informed voice in the room. The #autistic community (this I do know) has historically been talked over. Spoken for. I don’t wish to do additional harm. Only to raise my hand, say, ‘I am here. Have been (w/o realizing it).'”