Few Tips To Do Physical Exercise During This Pandemic


It is difficult to keep up with routine exercise during the Coronavirus pandemic situation. You might be struggling to perform your daily exercise. Daily light exercise normally reduces the stress level. But high-intensity workouts can stress you out more. If you are already in a stressful situation and start your workout, then it can be counterproductive. So it is very important to listen to your body signal while struggling with stamina during a workout.

Credit: Sam Knight

For the last few months, we are living in a lockdown situation which is a little tougher than usual time. Many of us are trying to reduce our stress level and engage ourselves in a daily workout to stay healthy and fit. We all are trying to get relief from the stress. But you have to understand that exercise is itself a stressor. So when you try to perform the physical exercise while having a stressful mind, it can increase your anxiety level higher.

Credit: Rohit Reddy

A recent study found that high stress can make it difficult for you to increase bench press and squat intensity. A lack of social interaction can harm the brain while running.

Credit: Jonathan Borba

Exercise can place strain on our body and trigger a stress response. Especially when we do high-intensity workouts there is a chance to increase our stress level. However, regular moderate level exercise may tend to reduce stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.

Credit: dylan nolte

So before going for any physical exercise consult with your health care provider and understand your desire.  Try to perform a regular workout, to get relief from stress and anxiety.