Effective Tips For Breaking Your Bad Phone Habit


Our phones become the most essential part of our daily life. Most of our daily tasks as well as ways of communications are mainly dependent on our phones. But experts say that excessive usages of the phone may affect our overall health. For this reason, we need to control the tie we are spending on our phone. If you are seeking some effective ways to reduce your screen time, here are some tips for you.

Credit: Rami Al-zayat

Turn off alert tone

When your phone doesn’t buzz every few seconds with a text, email, or social media notifications, then it would be easier for you to avoid your phone for a certain time. You can fix a time to check all these updates and emails. Set a certain time to reply to the important messages and emails. You don’t need to check all those social media updates every few minutes. You might feel better and productive when you let those unnecessary updates linger a bit.

Put a rubber band on the phone

You can put a rubber band or set a screensaver that tells whether you need to get into the phone now or not. By doing so, you might save the valuable time of your life. It will help you to scroll mindless pictures and unnecessary updates of social media.

Credit: Malvestida Magazine

Have an alarm clock

We usually use our phone’s alarm to wake up in the morning. As a result, we likely to get sucked into checking emails, messages, and newsfeed just after waking up. But when you use an alarm clock, it will help you to keep your phone out of your hands. Try to get some fresh air after taking sound sleep. It’s better to charge your phone in another room and set a certain time to look at it in the latter part of the morning.

Minimize phone time

Expert advice that going without your phone for several days can help you to avoid bad phone habits and develop new healthier things to do. You can set a phone-free zone at your home. Specify a certain day or hour as phone-free. At that place or time, you can go for a walk, or play some games with your family members or friends. During this time you can do anything that gives you a chance to communicate and engage with a real person.

Credit: Christian Wiediger

Uninstall unnecessary apps

All the apps on our phones are not essential. There are some apps we don’t need actually. You can live happily without these apps. Try to get rid of those apps. Some games are designed to keep you busy and coming back for more. Some tasks can be done on your computer. You don’t need to use the phone for that purpose.  For example, you can check and reply to your emails from a computer. So you can easily avoid emails related apps of your phone.

Day by day our virtual life is grabbing our real life which is not good for our overall health. We need to engage ourselves in real-life creative activities. We have to spend more happy times with our real-life friends and family by performing more offline fun activities.