Ben Afflect Clears About His Dating life And Raya Rumors


The Oscar winner star Ben Afflect sets the record straight about his dating life. For the last few days, he is rumored to have been on the popular celebrity app, Raya. But he clears that he is still single and not using any dating app.


During an informal interview with journalist Diane Sawyer, he declared that dating sites are just not for him. He also expressed his thoughts about his love life following his split from Jennifer Garner.


He said, “I am not on any websites…I know people who are on them and they have a fun time, but not me. I would love to have a relationship that was deeply meaningful and one to which I could be deeply committed.”


At that interview, this actor shared about his sobriety and battle with depression. He added, “I’d like to find some sort of sense of meaning and purpose…I was not raised religious, I’m not a very good Christian, although I go to church with my kids”


The 47-year-old actor said “I get depressed, take antidepressants, they’re very helpful for me…There are things that I would love to go back and change…I have regrets, I made plenty of mistakes, some big some small. I wish I could go back in time and change all kinds of things, but I can’t”