Overview of Water Fasting


Water fasting is a type of fasting that restricts consuming everything except water. In recent years it has become more popular among the young generation. It is considered as a quick way to lose weight. Many studies state that water fasting could have many health benefits. It can reduce the risk of some chronic diseases too. But water fasting has some risks and sometimes can be very dangerous to health. Here we will discuss the overview of water fasting.

Credit: Thomas Martinsen

What is it?

Usually, water fasting lasts 24-72 hours. During fasting, you cannot consume anything besides water. People do fasting for thousands of years all over the world. Some people maintain water fasting due to religious or spiritual views. Some people try this type of fasting to lose weight or enjoy some health benefits. Sometimes it is necessary to prepare for a medical procedure. But the main reason for water fasting is to improve their health.

Credit: Hal Gatewood

Who should practice it?

You will not find any scientific guidelines to start water fasting. People with serious diseases like gout, diabetes should not start water fasting without medical supervision. Older adults, children and pregnant women should consult with health care providers before starting water fasting. If you have never experienced water fasting, you should prepare your body properly for being without food. You can start eating less each meal or try fasting for a part of the day.

How to perform it?

During water fasting, you are not allowed to take anything except water. You can drink 2-3 liters of water per day. After water fasting for 24-72 hours you should break your fast with a smaller meal to avoid any uncomfortable symptoms. This post-fast phase is very important to our body.

Credit: Frame Harirak

Benefits of water fasting

Water fasting may promote autophagy. It is a biological process that allows our old cells to break down and recycle. However, more research is needed before recommending water fasting for the human body. Water fasting may help people with high blood pressure. There is some evidence that water fasting may reduce the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

Risk of water fasting

Although water fasting has some health benefits, you should be concern about the health risks of it. Due to water fasting, you may lose the wrong type of weight. It also can worsen some medical conditions like gout, diabetes and eating disorders.

Credit: Johann Trasch

Finally, water fasting can help you to lose weight quickly. So if you want to enjoy the health benefits of water fasting consult with your physicians before you are going to try that method.