All You Need to Know About Protein


Protein is an essential nutrient and it plays multiple functions in our body. It helps to build our tissue, cells, muscle. It is also responsible to make hormones and anti-bodies. Everybody requires protein in their diet. Those who perform endurance sports or weight training may require more protein to get higher muscle-building benefits.

Credit: Loija Nguyen

Research suggests that when we get older we may enjoy more benefits by consuming more protein. Protein can minimize the muscle loss associated with aging. But we often get confused about how much protein we should take or which foods are the best sources of protein. Here is a short synopsis that tried to discuss all the basics of protein intake.

Credit: Katherine Chase

How much protein should we eat?

The daily dose of protein intake should be around 0.8-1g of protein for 1 kg of body weight for most of the common people. But those who are involved in weightlifting and strong athletic activities require a little bit more protein. They should take 1.4-2g of protein for 1 kg of body weight per day. After performing an exercise or heavy work, protein is particularly important as muscle need to recover and grow. When our muscles are particularly receptive to protein synthesis, we should take a portion of protein to stay fit and healthy.

Credit: Lily Banse

The results of taking too much protein

If we maintain a healthy balanced diet we can easily get all the required protein for us. We should consume protein from different sources. The variation of protein sources is important to keep a balance of protein intake. It is also crucial to consume the right amount of protein. Taking too much protein, in the long run, may lead to health issues. It can increase the risk of osteoporosis. It also can be a factor of worsening the existing kidney problem. So, it is better to spread our protein intake out the whole day. We need to include protein in every meal.

Credit: Jeremy Stewart

We can get protein from both plant and animal sources. There are many food sources of protein like eggs, milk, meat, yogurt, fish, chicken, turkey, soy, nuts, and seeds. Pork, beans, and pulses are also good sources of protein.