Small Facts About Madeleine McCann’s Disappearance That Aren’t Mentioned On T.V


Sudden Death of a Private Investigator…

Unfortunately for the parents, a PI they hired, and squandered £300,000 of the search fund on, turned out to be a con artist. The PI Kevin Halligen turned up dead in January 2018. There was no foul play involved in his death, as the police said. Kevin was a con artist that tricked people into thinking that he had the best James-Bods style investigative techniques and employed ex-CIA and ex-FBI members.

The money he had taken, he spent on travelling, private chauffeurs, and luxury items. Halligen was 56. As a comment on his death, a documentarian said “His house was full of empty drink bottles. A lot of people wished him ill but his death is almost certainly related to alcoholism,” for the Independent.