Healthy Eating Habit for Better Hair


The condition of your hair is the outward sign of your inside health. Your hair requires a regular supply of nutrients. You can achieve healthy hair by cooking the healthy recipe and eating the correct balance of nutrients. If you want to get a shiny, lustrous and strong hair, you need to include high protein, vitamins, and minerals into your recipe. Here are some tips for you.

Credit: Averie Woodard

Add some protein

Hair is made of protein. So you need to ensure that you have enough protein in your daily meal. A protein-rich diet can help you to get strong and healthy hair. When you are not getting enough protein diet, your hair is likely to become dry, bitter and weak. An extremely low protein diet is very harmful to hair growth. It may cause hair loss and can restrict hair growth. So always try to consume chicken, turkey, fish, and eggs at a balanced level. Dairy products are an excellent source of protein. So you can include those in your daily recipe. If you are vegetarian, then try to get protein from vegetarian sources like legumes and nuts.

Credit: Hermes Rivera

Intake a sufficient amount of iron

Iron is an essential mineral for your hair. Iron deficiency is a major cause of hair loss. If the iron level falls below a certain level, you may experience anemia. This will disrupt the nutrient supply to the hair root that may affect hair growth. Animal products like meat, chicken, and fish are a good source of iron. Other good sources of iron are lentils, spinach, and leafy green. You can easily add these items in your daily recipe and cook some special dishes for healthy hair.

Credit: Max Oh

Include enough vitamin

Foods in high vitamins are essential ingredients for hair growth. So use enough blueberries, guava, kiwi fruits, oranges, papaya, and strawberries in your fruit salad. You can include sweet potatoes, carrot, pumpkins that can serve you lots of vitamins. To protect your hair from sun rays take enough foods which are rich in vitamin E. Vitamin A is an oily substance that can provide a natural conditioner for our healthy scalp. So try to add more vitamin A-rich items in your daily meal.

Credit: Kristina Petrick

Moreover, a balanced diet is necessary for a healthy scalp and healthy hair. So try some tasty recipes to enhance your hair growth.